

As I was jogging this phenomenon occurred to me as a car suddenly swerved in my direction.  I was wondering what was wrong then noticed the driver trying to avoid a pothole at my expense.  This phenomenon happens often in Kenya – drivers will veer into oncoming traffic to avoid a pothole, never mind running pedestrians or the odd mzungu runner off the road.

I reflected that this is not just Nairobi drivers.  It may be human nature – our sinful nature.  To avoid personal pain or discomfort or inconvenience comes naturally, and in our sinful (yet redeemed) state this may be at the expense of others.  

It made me think of what ‘potholes’ do I try to avoid that cause me discomfort or inconvenience at the expense of someone else?  How many times have I put my needs, wants, time ahead of a relationship?  

It’s easy for drivers to not consider those outside their metal and glass bubble of their car.  It’s just as easy for me shielded by the bubble of my own concerns to miss an opportunity to connect with others.  

We have a couple of giant potholes right by our house. Turn right and there are two that swallow small cars whole. Turn left and there is a minefield of smaller mud-filled holes. I decided to try and tackle the minefield one day after work. With pick and shovel in hand i waded into the mud. Soon 5 young men stopped and asked if they could help. They were not the first as many saw this as an opportunity to hustle the mzungu. It was getting late so I said I would give them each 200ksh ($2) for one hour of work. They agreed. Three hauled rocks from the back of our house to fill the holes, while the other two and I dug the ditches deeper. Soon it was dark and we were all muddy.

I invited them in to see what Mama had on for supper.  I offered the guys a hot shower and Kris brought out a box of clothes we were giving away. With a hot bowl of soup, a hot shower and some ‘new’ clothes these guys were ecstatic.

20200115_184134Slowing down for potholes and taking time to fill them in introduced me to some new friends. I have seen them often walking to and from work and they always greet me with a huge smile.

As my colleague, Tom shared awhile back “Ministry happens in the interruptions”.   Perhaps the potholes of my day are not something to be avoided, but an opportunity to slow down and ask God how He can use this circumstance for His Kingdom.

I still get annoyed with potholes when I am driving, and annoyed with drivers avoiding potholes when I am running. But I am learning that maybe potholes do serve a greater purpose .

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